New Release

Companions in the Tao: A Guidebook for Companions on the Taoist Path

by Jill Gonet

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The idea for this newly released work originally was suggested by a fellow Yi Ren Qigong practitioner back in 2000, who thought that the person partnered to Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun might be able to share what is involved in nurturing a relationship in the context of Taoist cultivation.

Many years and many drafts later, Yi Ren Press is now releasing Companions in the Tao: A Guidebook for Companions on the Taoist Path. This work (in 2 volumes, for a total of 158 pages) encompasses diverse topics and considerations, which when successfully negotiated, add up to big differences.


In spite of the  largeness of the  subject, the writings are presented under subject headings, and most are quite crystallized and not very lengthy; thus, the reader will find an engaging and nicely paced text, with plenty of white space and full color illustrations, and be able to pick up and put the book down without easily losing the thread of the ideas and suggestions.

Fun to read, Companions in the Tao is sure to strike some major chords in those who have committed themselves to Yi Ren Qigong practice and internal energetic cultivation, as well as to their Companion in the Tao!

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Tribute to Sifu

by Jill Gonet

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Tribute to Sifu presents a portrait in poetry of Master Guan-Cheng Sun at work, with stories from his youth, with vivid descriptions of Authentic Qi in his classes, and with a view into the Master’s lineage connection that permeates his life, often in supernatural ways. This book is meant to encourage and inspire wonder, and to instill a sense of connection to a very advanced state of cultivation. The collection offers a series of verbal pictures resonating with the vitality and spirit of a beloved modern Internal Elixir Master. Tribute to Sifu opens a window into another perspective on reality, and another orientation altogether − one that participates in the panoramic and magical possibilities available to those who have dedicated themselves fully, and at all levels, to the cultivation of the Tao.

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Seventy-Seven Rules for Taoist Internal Cultivation Manual

by Jill Gonet

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Conserving the Qi and Expanding the Elixir Fields: Seventy-Seven Rules for Taoist Internal Cultivation addresses the larger project of internal energetic cultivation for those practitioners interested in taking their practice to another level. And while there are no specific energetic practice protocols included in this manual, it does contain an abundance of candid, practical, and frank guidance.

This manual has been in the works for quite some time.  Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun reviewed it twice over the years, and suggested the addition of the present Rule #52.  He had been considering this manual for use as a text book for Yi Ren Qigong practitioners. This new manual is now available to help practitioners to stay on track with their cultivation process in his absence. The manual is 92 pages long.

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Affinity with Immortals – Poetry on Internal Cultivation

by Taoist Masters Wang Chongyang, Ma Danyang, and Qiu Chuji

Translation and Commentary by Jill Gonet

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Affinity of Immortals Book coverAffinity with Immortals presents poems on Taoist cultivation by three great Jin Dynasty adepts- Masters Wang Chongyang, Ma Danyang, and Qiu Chuji. All three founded important Taoist schools: Master Wang Chongyang established Quan Zhen, or Complete Reality school; his student, Ma Danyang, assisted him in doing so, and then later founded his own school, the Yu Xian Pai (Meeting with Immortals) school; Qiu Chuji, who was a student of both of the other two Masters, ultimately became a great Chinese cultural hero in the years just prior to the establishment of the Yuan Dynasy, and founded the Dragon Gate school.

This selection of the three Masters’ poetry on cultivation presents a host of teachings and touchstones to interested students of the Tao, conveying lifetimes of practice and teaching experience in instructional poems that are also resonant and successful lyrics.

Ms. Gonet’s translations succeed in rendering each Master’s personal style, and the additional commentaries demonstrate the connections between the Masters, as well as highlight some of their differences, offering the contemporary student of the Tao an inspiring immersion into the evolution of the Complete Reality Taoism.

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